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Entire TRCD series (Discs I and II)

TRCD set

$49.90 $39.95 + $4.00 S&H

TRCD Vol. I – Game Strategy


$24.95 + $3.50 S&H

Monster Mega Package Deal

Entire 20-DVD Video Encyclopedia series: Pool Shots (VEPS) and Pool Practice (VEPP), Eight Ball (VEEB), Nine-ball and Ten-ball (VENT), the 3-DVD How to Aim Pool Shots (HAPS) and Billiard University (BU) sets, all with the multi-disc cases, the System for Aiming With Sidespin (SAWS) DVD, the “Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards” book, DVD and HSV DVD, and Tom Ross’ Complete Instruction Works 2-CD-ROM set

VEPS set
VEPP set
VEEB set

VENT set
HAPS set
BU set
TRCD set

$838.45 $649.95 + $19.50 S&H

To pay by check or money order instead:

1.) Print out and neatly fill out the order form.
2.) Write a check or money order for the total amount payable to “David Alciatore.”

3.) Mail the completed form and payment to:
2453 Reception Ct.
Fort Collins, CO 80521

4.) The product(s) will be shipped the day the order is received.