Corrections to early printings of the book:
- p 37, last line: no longer exists, but they are still available online via a Google search for “pool Elephant Practice Balls.”
- p 46, Figure 3.14: in “a),” the solid arrow should be short and the dashed arrow should be long, and in “b),” the solid arrow should be long and the dashed arrow should be short.
- p 71, Figure 3.39: in the vertical scale name, “slow” should be “fast.”
- p 90, in Figure 4.11: the curved cue ball path is not feasible (it turns too much). The path should look more like the curved path shown in Figure 4.12. The final cue ball direction (at the head of the arrow) should be about 30 degrees away from the original cue ball line.
- p 115 and 116, Figures 4.35 and 4.36: paths a, b, and c curve too much. The cue ball path should only curve only about half the amount shown (i.e., the final directions should be closer to the tangent line direction).
- p 140, Figure 5.13: The cue stick placement and english/speed diagram should show left english, not right (i.e., the cue stick should be to the left of the cue ball center and the black dot should be on the left side of the circle). Also, the cue ball path is not accurate. The cue ball should hit the top rail more to the right (closer to the first diamond), the cue ball should hit the bottom rail closer to the side pocket, and the cue ball should end up a little more to the left.
- p 199, Principle 6.11, 1st bullet, 2nd sentence: replace “decrease your cut angle (and bank” with “increase your cut angle (decreasing the bank”
- p 210, Figure 7.6: the bottom of the impact angle arc should extend only to the thin impact line (not to the shot B aiming line).