Instructional eBook for learning the principles and techniques of pool and billiards. The book covers everything from the fundamentals (stance, stroke, aiming methods, etc.) to advanced techniques (english, carom shots, jump and massé shots, etc.), and is appropriate for all level of player from beginner to pro.

eBook price: $8.99

  • 304 pages in full color.
  • Over 250 photographs and illustrations.
  • Over 80 clearly presented principles of the game.
  • Over 150 video clips and 20 technical proofs accessible via the book website.
  • A companion DVD for the more visual learner.
  • A super-slow-motion DVD (HSV DVD) is also available to help understand the physics of the game.

Can be read via a NOOK device, an app on any tablet or phone, or any internet browser.

Alternatively, you can order a Kindle version on Amazon.

“NOTE – B&N cannot sell directly in some countries (e.g., Canada).
If so, you can order via or the country-specific version of (e.g., Alternatively, you can have a friend in the US order it for you. Another alternative is to instead download or stream my full-length instructional videos, which cover all pool principles and techniques for all games in great detail. These videos are available worldwide.